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31 August 2022  •  1 m read

Should I be worried about cervical cancer?

Did you know that most women get an HPV infection shortly after they start having sex? This infection is the cause…


2 November 2021  •  6 m read

Why are my breasts painful?

Feeling a twinge of pain in your breasts can be a worry, but breast pain is common and, on its own, is rarely a…


2 October 2021  •  5 m read

How can I keep my vagina healthy?

When you talk about taking good care of your body, you don’t always think about your vagina. But knowing how…


13 September 2021  •  6 m read

How can I have a healthy pregnancy?

Now that you’re pregnant, it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself both physically and…


13 August 2021  •  5 m read

How do I know if I’m pregnant?

Waiting for your period to arrive can be agonizing if you think you might be pregnant. Whether a positive pregnancy…


31 May 2021  •  5 m read

How can I spot the signs of cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer affecting women worldwide. The earlier it can be detected the…


11 May 2021  •  6 m read

Do I have a sexually transmitted infection?

If you’re worried you’ve caught a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), you won’t be alone. STIs, which are…


17 December 2020  •  5 m read

Is my vaginal discharge normal?

Every woman has vaginal discharge. Healthy discharge is not only completely normal, but also necessary. And, if…